with my hands

Letra y Vídeo de la canción With My Hands de Furious Monkey House

Grupo de Pontevedra compuesto por un grupo de chicos y chicas entre 11 y 13 años, acompañados por un profesor de música, Gonzalo Maceira.

Run (2015)

Here it comes again
The biggest wave on earth
If I could watch it again
I would jump inside and dance

I´ll go down, and I will find you anywhere
I´ll go up and I will get you with my hands
I´ll go down, and I will find you anywhere
I´ll go up and I will get you with my hands
Now I am not afraid
Cause I´m an underwater girl
I wanna dream I stay,
any time with you and all those colors and all that those mornings

I´ll go down, and I will find you anywhere
I´ll go up and I will get you with my hands
I´ll go down, and I will find you anywhere
I´ll go up and I will get you with my hands
I´ll go down, and I will find you anywhere
I´ll go up and I will get you with my hands
I´ll go down, and I will find you anywhere
I´ll go up and I will get you with my hands
I´ll go down, and I will find you anywhere
I´ll go up and I will get you with my hands
with my hands
with my hands
with my hands
with my hands


Puedes comprarla aquí:

Letra de la canción With My Hands de Furious Monkey House